ACER IS OUT: FR Victoria 2019/2020
Hey guys! Brent C here from and I wanted to tell you that ACER is out!
I’ve finally got some definitive information around the Victorian Fire Services’ recruitment for this year 2019 and the testing provider, etcetera.
So basically, what’s happening is they’ve got a new provider which is Pearson Talent Lens or Pearson VUE. They’ll be using that for their selection process. If you have done the ACER test previously, you’ll be able to elect whether you retake it at the front end with Pearson VUE and try your luck that way or you can leave your ACER score in there and see how the merit-based scores line up. Then you’ll do a Pearson VUE test at the end to see who gets what.
So one way or the other, you’re going to be doing a new test but at least we know now that Victoria/MFB is going to be using Pearson VUE or Pearson Talent Lens for their testing this year. That’s good news and it’s just great to have been able to clarify that for everyone out there who’s looking to go for it this year. And, for those of you that have done the ACER stuff, we need to start looking at the Pearson VUE testing and stuff. This will be done.
It’s a computer-based test and it’ll be done at actual physical locations instead of being proctored as QFES does it. That’s something to look forward to, I suppose, but you’ve got a little bit of time to wrap your head around it. We’ve just added a heap of Pearson tests to our platform so if you want to get access to that and help yourself increase your score, just get that exposure. Just shout out and we can point you in the right direction to get you set up with that. Otherwise, good luck with it and I’ll speak to you soon!
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