Fire and Rescue NSW Firefighter Recruitment 2018 / 2019 Announced

Brent C here!
I have just had some massive news come across my desk — Fire and Rescue New South Wales have just announced their recruitment campaign for 2018 and 2019 to be opening up in November so this is huge news for a lot of you out there.
The most competitive fire service in the country has just announced that it’s going to be recruiting starting in November which is awesome because it gives you some time to start working on your approach if you haven’t already. Like I said, Fire and Rescue NSW is the most competitive fire service in the country, so there will be plenty of applicants again. So, make sure you get in. Do yourself a favour and you give yourself the best chance of getting into that top couple of percent that are going to be on there next recruitment course.
That’s Fire and Rescue New South Wales recruiting permanent firefighters starting in November so that’s when the process starts giving you a couple of months to tune up on your aptitude and start working on your understanding of yourself and your knowledge of the organisation and giving yourself time to put your best foot forward. So yeah, really exciting news. It’s all coming at once this year so yeah.
I’m Brent C this is with another firefighter recruitment update. If you don’t want to miss out on any updates just make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel. Also the little hint — subscribe to New South Wales Fire & Rescue social feed as well so you don’t miss out anything there and I’ll catch you next time.
P.S. If you have any questions just hit REPLY
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