Planning For Firefighter Recruitment 2016
Top 3 Tips for Firefighter Recruitment in 2016
Just before I get into it, i just want to wish all of those the best of luck and fortune that are currently in a firefighter recruitment process and also those of you aspiring to be firefighters in the future. It really is a rewarding and worthwhile career and lifestyle you are pursuing. So you can be sure all the hard work, waiting and effort you are putting in or about to put in is for a great goal.
Today I want to run you through what I experienced with firefighter recruitment in Australia in 2015 and a few tips on how I would approach firefighter recruitment in 2016 If I were in your position or the position of an aspiring fire service applicant.
Tip Number 1.
Do not wait until the fire service your looking to gain a position with starts advertising they are recruiting. I spoke with a number of people this year and currently that were telling me, ” I need to get better at the aptitude test for the fire service” I would ask them how long they had and where they were up to and all to often it would be a few weeks and ” I haven’t started yet” which is honestly the single reason why some people that could have jobs as firefighters don’t this year. So plan ahead and commit. Just make the decision, in OR out
Tip Number 2.
Approach firefighter recruitment in2016 with a strategy to ensure you will be ready when the opportunity pops up, have all the resources you need to be successful and a plan on how you are going to get there. A structured and planned approach can often win over other applicants that haven’t put the time effort and thought into how they are going to win at each step throughout the recruitment campaign.
Tip Number 3.
Find your weaknesses so that you can turn them into strengths and dominate, this needs to be done well in advance to the recruitment campaign so that you have an entirely solid application from start to finish. To do this you need to have a thorough understanding of the recruitment process so that you know what to do to identify strengths and weaknesses. You will also need specific service relevant materials in orders to make big gains in these opportunistic areas once they are identified.
I sincerely hope this helps you put things more clearly into perspective as well as identifying a few key things you may not have thought of moving forward.
Whether it’s the application, the aptitude test, personality profiling / Work Safety or the fire service interview, these are all components that can be improved on with the right guidance and planning.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you Get The Edge over the competition
1. Get my FREE Training – “How to Become Firefighter without wasting time”, I conduct a free training where I show you the proven roadmap on how to become a firefighter without wasting time and money. – Click Here
2. Join our Firefighter Recruitment Training page, It’s our new Facebook community where smart, aspiring firefighters learn how to get the edge and land in the top 5% – Click here
3. Join our Membership Implementation Program, Get access to all courses and software, LIVE Q&A group, access to the industry’s best aptitude and interview coaches. – Get into the Top 5% of Applicants – Click Here
4. Work with me and the team, privately, If you’d like to work directly with me and the team to give yourself the best chance for your upcoming recruitment campaign, let us know a little about your situation to see if we are a good fit for each other – Click Here