Victorian Firefighter Recruitment Update For November 2019

Hey guys! Brent C here from Just a really quick Victorian Firefighter Recruitment Update for November 2019. So it’s November the 11th now, which was our predicted recruitment opening date. As they tend to do in Victoria a lot, they’ve changed it a week. So, still great news – they’re going to be recruiting but it just opens on the 18th.
As far as the testing provider goes, the website shows Acer AND PearsonVUE. The good part about that is we’ve just added another 600-800 PearsonVUE test questions to our test platform so if you’ve got access to that, that’s awesome. And we’ve also got up-to-date Acer stuff as well.
So I’ll be confirming that and adding to this video in the coming days as we need a bit more clarification around that. But hopefully, it means IF they’re correct, that’s the Acer stuff, and if they’re going to continue to do even a component of that, then if you had a previous score and it was positive then you might get to keep that.
The other thing is that they’re opening on the 18th thru to the 25th. But as we’ve seen before in Victoria, they have not always stayed open for that full period of time. So, if I was you and you’re looking to get a spot there, first of all, start prepping if you haven’t already. Hopefully, you already have.
But make sure you’re on the ready to roll on the 18th at mid-day. It wouldn’t surprise me if they do another trick once they’ve got their quota or whatever means they’re using this time around to decide when they’re going to pull the pin on accepting applications. So just make sure you’re ready to go.
If you need a hand, just shout out and I’ll try and point you in the right direction depending on your specific situation. If you’re not in our Facebook group – the free group where we get together and chat and sort of help each other out, I’ll put a link to that below this. If you’re not subscribed to this channel, make sure you do so now so you don’t miss any updates and give us a thumbs up if you like this video.
I’ll catch you soon. Thanks for tuning in!
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