QFES Firefighter Recruitment UPDATE 2018

qfes recruitment 2018

QFES Recruitment 2018 Updates

Hey Guys!

Brent C here once again, bringing you updates and exciting news about firefighter recruitment in Australia – this time, specifically for QFES.

We received an announcement saying QFES has now started recruiting for the position of full-time firefighter. However, this is only for current Auxiliary QFES Firefighters and those who are also presently serving acknowledged fire services by QFES all over Australasia. These services are:

  • TFS
  • CFA
  • MFB
  • FENZ
  • DFES



Auxiliary / Lateral Recruitment: First

Open Market Recruitment: July 2018

This is indeed a great break for QFES auxiliary firefighters who’ve been working side-by-side with their full-time recruit counterparts or those who’ve been aiming for transfers to a different service for a long time. Additionally, for those who are non-firefighters, don’t lose heart! Your turn will come July 2018. This simply means, you will have more time to prepare. Also, if you haven’t done it yet, remember to register via the QFES careers page to receive key information on important dates and activities.


So, if you’re seriously aiming for a position remember that it is going to be tough so you better start doing your best TODAY!


I encourage everyone to get your hands on relevant materials to start your journey towards becoming a full-time firefighter with the QFES. Read our how to become a firefighter in QLD page and join our free training especially if you are a first-time applicant to get recruitment insights.


I hope you found this article helpful. Please be advised though that this is just to serve as a guide for the next QFES Recruitment. And should you need assistance in any stage of the application, feel free to reach out to Fire Recruitment Australia. We are always happy to help.



Brent C

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways we can help you Get The Edge over the competition
1. Get my FREE Training – “How to Become Firefighter without wasting time”
I conduct a free training where I show you the proven roadmap on how to
become a firefighter without wasting time and money. – Click Here
2. Join our Firefighter Recruitment Training page
It’s our new Facebook community where smart, aspiring firefighters learn how to get
the edge and land in the top 5% — Click here
3. Join our Membership Implementation Program
Get access to all courses and software, LIVE Q&A group, access to the industry’s
best aptitude and interview coaches. — Get into the Top 5% of Applicants – Click Here
4. Work with Me and the team, privately
If you’d like to work directly with me and the team to give yourself the best chance for
your upcoming recruitment campaign, let us know a little about your situation to see
if we are a good fit for each other – Click Here

Brent C

After becoming a Firefighter, I developed a massive interest in the Fire Services Recruitment and Selection Processes. I've been in the fire service working since 2007 to learn everything about how Fire Services Recruitment works. I've tested and refined proven methods to help people get the edge over the competition. Today, over 300 of my former students are living their Firefighter dream.

FREE TRAINING: Become a Firefighter Without Wasting Years of Your Life!
