Thanks For letting me know, I wont email you about this again
Special Offer $4.99 $49
Get Access To Everything You Need To Pass The Tests & become a firefighter!

The Process To Success
The 10 Step process to ensure you SMASH IT at Every Stage of the Recruitment Process and avoid the Big 7 Mistakes most applicants make without EVER knowing it!

Aptitude Guide
This Aptitude & firefighter Exam book has hundred of Service Specific practice questions as well as how to increase your score rapidly

Personality Profiling
Learn the UNKNOWN history behind the psych and personality tests so you can unlock the confusion when approaching the test

Interview Guide
Get in the top 5% of interviewees. Learn the Interview fundamentals and how they apply to firefighter recruitment.

Physical Ability Accelerator
GET Fit for you Physical Abilities test by only focussing on what will give you the BIGGEST gains and avoid everything else including wasting your time and energy

Resume Writing Guide
How to write your resume so that you look good and don't miss anything that the recruiters are looking for

I've been a Bondi Lifeguard for a while and we work in some tricky situations in the community quite often, but I've been wanting to get into the fire services for a while now. Brent has really helped me to prepare for this with his Fire Recruitment Australia website, I've gotten a lot of information from it. Check it out guys, it's unreal! Trent was employed recently by Fire and Rescue NSW
Firefighter at Fire and Rescue NSW

I found Brent’s website very useful and it offered me exactly what I was struggling to find. His products helped improve and develop my skills in spatial, mechanical and verbal reasoning.These are the skills and traits that helped me to get into the fire service. I definitely recommend Brent’s products for anyone wanting to develop the necessary skills required for the fire service
Aviation Firefighter
Just wanted to do a massive thank you and shout out to Brent and team at Fire Recruitment Australia for the awesome course and material that they've got available for aspiring firefighters. Using what I've learned through the course, I've been able t secure a position within one of the services and I can honestly say it is the best job in the world.
If you've been thinking about joining one of the services and especially if you're stuck in a 9-5 job that you're not passionate about anymore then I suggest you sign up to the material and give yourself the best opportunity of chasing that dream. And if at any stage you're worried about the cost then all I can say is back yourself, invest in yourself. That'll give you a reason to do the work when it's getting a little bit tougher as well. As I said, I got the material to thank for me being successful and best of luck for everyone!
FRNZ Firefighter
Hello Brent, Just letting you know I won't be trying again. I won't be trying again because I just got accepted, thanks for all your help, guidance and coaching.
Matt M
DFES WA Firefighter
Tools to save you wasting your time..

Firefighter Recruitment Bundle
What Every Applicant Needs To Know About Firefighter Recruitment Testing to Stand a Chance!
The bare minimum for anyone that claims to be "serious" about becoming a firefighter.
If you are currently preparing for the next firefighter recruitment intake. These guides give you simple details that help you prepare properly for every test you'll face and — the application process, the Aptitude, Personality, and Physical tests, and the Interview.

Get the Edge
Work With Me & My Team
Personalised coaching sessions based on decades of experience and tailored to your needs.
If you think you need that little bit of extra help to make it through the next recruitment intake or you're sick of missing out and not knowing why, then this may be perfect for you. Together, we'll work out a strategy that:
- Builds on your strengths and fills you with confidence and certainty
- Learn the reasons behind why people fail time and again so you don't
- Improve your weaknesses to eliminate points of failure
- Show you exactly what to expect so you can present the best version of yourself every step of the way.
Wherever you are in the process, and whatever challenges you’re facing right now, Working with us gives you step-by-step guidance, personal support, and resources not available anywhere else to help you get where you want to be in the quickest way possible. You don’t need to struggle on your own anymore!
It’s taken me 5 years to get into the fire service as a career firefighter, I’ve been knocked back numerous times. It’s a really competitive career to get into, in fact I’ve been knocked back 8 times, my 9th application I hit the jackpot. For anyone out there trying to get in the fire service, keep trying, you’re never too old or “been too long out of school”. It takes persistence and patience. I for one, lacked on the aptitude stage and I got all the help I needed. Studied on a weekly bases and seen a tutor as well. I’ve also purchased Brent’s practice aptitude exam/guides and that’s what got me into the top percentile of all the other hundreds of applicants. Its what set me apart.
In my round of applications there were over 1100 applicants that applied and only 20 graduated in the Recruit Course. Investing in yourself is what makes you stand out from the rest, get all the help you need, and give it your all. Don’t get disheartened when you see that unsuccessful email, it’s okay. If you want it that bad, you’ll eventually achieve it.
I Graduated early 2018 as an Aviation Firefighter and it’s the best job in the world, out on shift currently and I still pinch my self every day when I go to work. I’m glad I didn’t give up on my dream.
The hardest part is getting in - the process of getting in. You can’t do it alone, I highly recommend using Brent’s resources, and if you’re lacking in an area work on it. Fitness is a big component in the Recruit course & is highly scrutinised.
Good luck to anyone who is trying to get in, study hard and it will eventually pay off. And ask for all the help you need.
Aviation Rescue Firefighter
So, I’m at work. Got the phone on the bench, on loud, making sure I was ready. And when I got the call and I saw it’s from a number that I didn’t know, I was like “(whew) no way”, answered it and sure enough, here it is. We’re in! And I was like, yeah, it still gives me goosebumps just thinking about it today.
It’s like I’ve never been so proud of myself.
You’ve got a list of people that you want to call straight away and for me, it was like — partner, family, and then Brent was number three on the line. And having that convo with Brent when I actually got in, aww, mate! Oh, so good! Still gives me the warm fuzzies. Yeah, like tingling in the face right there. Yeah, bloody good! And yet, forever thankful for being there for me.
Professional Firefighter
Only a very small number of people are willing to give public testimonials which can make it hard to show that my system works. When I was doing some research for Fire & rescue NSW Recruitment I came across a Media release and I decided to match them against my records and this is what it shows. I have blanked out the names as i want to respect the wishes of these firefighters BUT I wanted to illustrate how effective my creations can be. Bear in mind this is only recent people so there are probably quite a few more on the list and NSW is the hardest service in the country

Fire & rescue NSW Recent Recruitment
List to illustrate how many successful candidates used parts of my system to become firefighters in NSW
Tools to save you wasting your time..

Firefighter Recruitment Bundle
What Every Applicant Needs To Know About Firefighter Recruitment Testing to Stand a Chance!
The bare minimum for anyone that claims to be "serious" about becoming a firefighter.
If you are currently preparing for the next firefighter recruitment intake. These guides give you simple details that help you prepare properly for every test you'll face and — the application process, the Aptitude, Personality, and Physical tests, and the Interview.

Get the Edge
Work With Me & My Team
Personalised coaching sessions based on decades of experience and tailored to your needs.
If you think you need that little bit of extra help to make it through the next recruitment intake or you're sick of missing out and not knowing why, then this may be perfect for you. Together, we'll work out a strategy that:
- Builds on your strengths and fills you with confidence and certainty
- Learn the reasons behind why people fail time and again so you don't
- Improve your weaknesses to eliminate points of failure
- Show you exactly what to expect so you can present the best version of yourself every step of the way.
Wherever you are in the process, and whatever challenges you’re facing right now, Working with us gives you step-by-step guidance, personal support, and resources not available anywhere else to help you get where you want to be in the quickest way possible. You don’t need to struggle on your own anymore!

Most Aspiring Firefighters Have a Rough Go with the Aptitude Test. You Don't Have to.
This test takes out thousands of firefighter applicants each year. My Aptitude Improvement Blueprint has boosted scores by more than 50%. Get it today so you can stay in the game.
Here are more comments and testimonials from our members!
Hope all is well mate!
Haven’t touched base for a while – I bet you are flat out during this phase of the recruitment process for NSW.
Just want to say thanks for the tips and advice so far. The book and various other positive reinforcements have had a big impact on me so far.
I completed the first online test and I was pretty bloody happy with my results – I am just holding my
breath now for the invitation to the second online test.
First time in three years I feel confident about the recruit campaign!
So much useful and very insightful information!
I received the eBook and immediately dove into it. So much useful and very insightful information.
I’m going to go through it more thoroughly over the next few days, possibly the next couple of weeks as I stumbled across a few common questions that had never come to mind and truth be told, actually had me thinking.
Had I gone into the interview otherwise, things would not have gone in my favour at all. At this point, things are pretty straightforward and I will let you know if I find difficulty with any progress.
Cheers again.
Good work!
First of all I'd like to thank you for your good work .
Your book hit the nail on the head and eliminated a lot of confusion in the process of preparation.
Useful information!
Firstly, thank you for the emails and all the useful information within your books.
Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond – I’ve been acting platoon sergeant for the vast majority of the year, as you can imagine, managing 30 people doesn’t leave much personal time.
I have been reading over the information on the QFES website and your books and have found it to be very helpful.
I have completed my first aid qualification with the QAS and my next step is to obtain a Medium Ridged license and to continue studying.
Thank you.
“Thanks Again”
I most appreciate your help and going the extra mile for me!
I must say another BIG Thanks as in:
The Recruitment info you sent me is the BEST bit of advise I’ve had throughout the various Companies I’ve got aptitude advise from.
Brilliant !!
Thanks again
I thought I would let you know:
That after 2 and a half years of hard work and persistence, with help from My Emergency Career.
I just got offered a position in school 76 with DFES Western Australia. I'm bloody wrapped.
Thank you for all your help and information. Really paid off.
Thanks again mate!
I’m very impressed mate!
I’m just on my last day off before I start shift again so I’ve had a great opportunity to read through the bundle.
I’m very impressed mate and really happy with the content. I’ve even been revising my aptitude (even though I’m told I don’t need to re-do it because I’ve passed it on my last application) because I found the book useful and rewarding.
Once again, I’m very happy with my purchase and grateful for all your help.
Thank you again for the bonus material.
Thanks so much
Thanks so much for your amazing resources.
I’m currently in the middle of the recruitment process of the South Australian MFS and have progressed to the aptitude testing stage.
Going over your tips and example questions, has been of great help and I’ve just purchased the Australian Fire Brigade Exams book to help me with my preparation.
Thanks again and all the best.
Lifelong dream!
I’ve finally passed the ACER aptitude test for the ... Fire Service.
This is my fifth attempt and the first time I have passed the aptitude test. This is a lifelong dream which has taken nearly ten years of study to crack the code.
The next stage is the physical abilities test and if I pass that then I’m onto the psych test. I feel confident about the physical abilities test, I feel like this is where I can do my best work.
Also, I want to thank you for the material you sent to me, I think this has been a big help and also your emails are really good at keeping my motivation levels up.
Again, thanks heaps and I hope to hear from you soon!
Absolutely Wrapped!
I got into the CFA on my first application, so absolutely wrapped!
Process To Success was the most helpful I reckon, especially for the interview prep.
Offered a position
Just a quick e-mail to let you know that I have been offered a position with the NT Fire and Rescue Service.
This was my first time applying and the tips I received from the guidebook were spot on.
Thanks for your help.
Thank you!
All is going well, thank you.
Your book is excellent and is full of so many great tips and advice.
I feel I was a little naïve about everything before reading your book. So, thank you.
Thanks again Brent!
Hey Brent!
Just wanted to say thank you for all your help and guides!!
And I’ve completed all the books and as of today, have started the requirements and physical tasks that was on the books to help progress on becoming a fire fighter.
I’m gonna stick to this 2, 3 months, also with seeing at least 2 fire stations every week and getting all the help I can.
But I just wanted to thank you. Because of you I have a path I can now follow.
And when this is all said and done. I would very much like to meet you!
Thanks again Brent. I won't let you down.
Most helpful!
I have been working my way through the documents that you have sent and have found them most helpful.
I cannot wait to finish up my responsibilities at my current job so I can focus more of my attention on obtaining a job in the firefighting industry!
I look forward to conversing with you more in the future and for now I am excited to have the prospect of one day becoming a firefighter.
Thank you for your help.
Dream Career
Hi Brent
Thanks your information in the past, it helped me through my testing and interview stage.
I got confirmation last week on a position in the ADF as a fire fighter, great way to start the new year.
Thank you for taking the time to help out others in trying to get through the selection process of Firefighter.
Really helpful!
Finding your steps to success really helpful so far.
I am currently going through each topic and obtaining the information I require for each section.
Absolutely brilliant piece of literature!
I had my interview yesterday so I only needed your guide for the interview section.
Absolutely brilliant piece of literature that you’ve put together there, it helped immensely!
Have already recommended it to a few friends going through the process already.
Thanks for the line, appreciate it.
I've read and enjoyed the books!
I've read and enjoyed the books I bought from you. A lot of the stuff is common sense or things I have done previously as I did ten years’ whole time service in the London fire brigade, UK.
That said I will take on board all of your help and advice, and have since nipped to my local station twice for a chat, and been swatting up on the NSW web site.
The behavioural type questions section was very helpful in thinking of the types of questions likely to be asked.
Thanks again for the books and if I think of any questions I will be in touch.
Your book was the key for me!
Passed the aptitude mate, your book was the key for me.
Can’t thank you enough for all your help.
Next step is the screening interview.
I was accepted!
I’m happy to say I was accepted into QFES on my first attempt (after being on my to-do list for 8 years).
I start the recruit course in June – very excited!
Thanks for the content in your eBook. I found some parts of it quite helpful in my preparation.
Fantastic information!
That is some fantastic information there, I really appreciate it.
I think I could go out on a limb and say on behalf of all aspiring fire and emergency potentials, this package is just what is needed to boost our confidence when applying.
I am extremely pleased!
Thanks Brent!
I just wanted you to know I am extremely pleased with your guide.
It has already helped me in more ways than I can imagine.
Without it, I would be very unprepared going into the recruitment process.
Brent’s products beneficial!
I found Brent’s products beneficial.
Not being used to being under the pump, doing practice tests, it took me a while on some questions.
At times Ben had to help me along the way, but I think with more sessions it will really help me towards the aptitude testing with DFES, which is in about 3 weeks.
I recommend your books!
I’ve just found out that I was successful in getting past the aptitude testing for
CFA Recruitment.
The books I purchased from you:
- Australian Fire Brigade Exams,
- Fire Service Aptitude Guide and
- The Process To Success
These were a huge benefit to getting me through this exam.
I would recommend them to anyone. So, thank you for them and the support.
I couldn't pass up the chance to purchase such and great insight into exactly what I want to do.
I received your email and video this morning and have realised that I have to get my A** into gear if I want to have a crack at it this/next year.
I appreciate your follow-up Brent, it's a great gesture and shows you care a lot about your products and the people who purchase it.
Thanks again Brent.
“I wish I had found your book and website earlier”
Hi Brent
Thanks so much for all your continuing positive advice.
It’s so refreshing to have your insight on the process.
I wish I had found your book and website earlier as it has been really helpful, with a smile.
Definitely helping.
I’m going well, I have passed the aptitude testing for one application.
Your book is definitely helping me prepare for the interviews which is the only part I am still worried about.
Just wanted to share with you:
Your guide is really good mate, well done! You've given me quite a lot to think about that I hadn't done last time. Looking forward to doing the work now and being ready for the SAMFS intake. I'll be in touch in the future to get some further support... Cheers!
Mate, I start September 14th. Hard work has paid off and I’m stoked!
Very helpful!
Just letting you know that my son was accepted into the Fire Brigade thanks to your very helpful book.
He has had his uniform fit, he’s just waiting for his medical next week but hopefully that should be all good. I bought your book for him a while ago because he had always talked about trying for the Fire Brigade but doubted himself a little.
He is only 20 years old and this was the first time he applied. He has finished his apprenticeship as an electrician and now he might be able to do a bit of that on the side.
Thanks again for all your advice in the book. He read all the sections and prepared himself for the tests and the interview which really paid off for him.
He is so excited and keen to learn. Fingers crossed the medical goes well.
Your book has been excellent!
I’m just completing and fine-tuning my resume and cover letter for my application.
Your book has been excellent at answering a lot of my questions and has helped me greatly.

Preparing for the Interview? Use These Tips to Get an Edge Over 95% of the Competition
My simple but powerful Interview Decoder will extinguish your interview anxiety, because you'll know how to give quick, clear, and complete answers to every question!
Members and Coaching Students Report Back...
Tools to save you wasting your time..

Firefighter Recruitment Bundle
What Every Applicant Needs To Know About Firefighter Recruitment Testing to Stand a Chance!
The bare minimum for anyone that claims to be "serious" about becoming a firefighter.
If you are currently preparing for the next firefighter recruitment intake. These guides give you simple details that help you prepare properly for every test you'll face and — the application process, the Aptitude, Personality, and Physical tests, and the Interview.

Get the Edge
Work With Me & My Team
Personalised coaching sessions based on decades of experience and tailored to your needs.
If you think you need that little bit of extra help to make it through the next recruitment intake or you're sick of missing out and not knowing why, then this may be perfect for you. Together, we'll work out a strategy that:
- Builds on your strengths and fills you with confidence and certainty
- Learn the reasons behind why people fail time and again so you don't
- Improve your weaknesses to eliminate points of failure
- Show you exactly what to expect so you can present the best version of yourself every step of the way.
Wherever you are in the process, and whatever challenges you’re facing right now, Working with us gives you step-by-step guidance, personal support, and resources not available anywhere else to help you get where you want to be in the quickest way possible. You don’t need to struggle on your own anymore!
Appreciate all the advice!
Just wanted to let you know that I finally got into the MFB and I’ve recently started working on shift.
Appreciate all the advice and emails you have sent my way because I found the advice and info really helpful and have told friends about it.
Thank you again.
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help.
I got into the MFB, waiting on my course!
Right direction.
Hi Brent, first of all, pleasure to make your acquaintance.
The package has already proved invaluable and I can't thank you enough in helping me in the right direction.
I have passed
I have passed my characteristics and aptitude, have my fitness and physical in a month, training hard! I have found the interview possible questions very helpful and I am looking forward to hopefully getting to that stage!
I applied a few years ago and failed mechanical and characteristics, I had no idea what to expect and couldn’t find useful, reliable information. So good to see, I hope you are very successful with this!
Thanks again!
Thanks so much
Thanks so much for your amazing resources.
I’m currently in the middle of the recruitment process of the South Australian MFS and have progressed to the aptitude testing stage.
Going over your tips and example questions, has been of great help and I’ve just purchased the Australian Fire Brigade Exams book to help me with my preparation.
Thanks again and all the best.
Really useful!
I've been training really hard for this, both physically and mentally - reading up and researching the job, as well as getting my head into the types of aptitude testing that they do.
Your website as well as the book are both really useful! A lot of the advice you give is similar (if not the same) as what I’ve been given from existing ACT F&R fire fighters that I've spoken to along the way.
It's great to have it all on paper as a check list and constant resource.
Very informative!
Thanks for checking in, and thanks for putting the package together.
So far, I have found it very informative and full of good ideas. I have read through everything, and I will definitely read through it again.
It's a very useful resource that I can keep referring to.
Thanks again.
Thanks Heaps!
At the moment, I’ve just gone through the physical assessment and passed!
So, now I am just waiting to hear if I get an interview. I’ve been reading the interview section of your book and it all is very helpful information, thanks heaps.
I will be studying up on everything this week to make sure I have a good chance in the interview.
Thanks again!
It's a big help!
It's going well.
I applied last year and made it to the interview stage and found myself unprepared for it and didn't know what to expect so reading through your guide is definitely going to help.
I'll be sure to ask any questions I have and just wanted to say thanks for putting this together.
It's a big help.
Very Professional!
I’d just like to thank you for your help with the resume and cover letter.
I was very impressed with the work and professionalism that was provided to me.
I would definitely recommend this service to other people looking to get into the fire service.
Very satisfied and looking forward to working with Brent and your team over the due course.
I passed the first cognitive!
I just got the email saying I passed the first cognitive,
I now have the beep test and the supervised cognitive on the 21st.
Very beneficial!
I'm finding this package very beneficial, the physical training tips, study techniques and insight on creating a more appealing resume have really helped me so far.
I am at the start of what is really a 6 month plan so I am confident in not just meeting the benchmarks required but going past them before I submit an application, hopefully early next year (depending on the CFA/MFB recruitment schedule).
I will definitely have some questions for you over the coming weeks.
Thanks for your help so far!
I made it to the physical.
Found out Friday afternoon. I made it to the physical. Can’t believe it. So excited
Thanks for all the support!
Thanks for all the support.
I really think I would have taken a lot longer to get through the selection process without it (and the process has only just started).
Thanks for the follow up email.
I have read through your pack over the weekend and it will really help me.
I decided I wanted to be a firefighter a few years ago and from that point I have joined the volunteer side of the CFA.
Applied for the NT fire service with success but disappointingly declined due to family circumstances at that time which I now regret declining and as I recently applied for the NSW fire and rescue but didn’t get past the application stage.
I am currently in the application process of the CFA and I am set on doing everything possible to get in.
Thanks for your package and the time you have put into it.
I made it!
Just wanted to advise you that I got a call back regarding my interview with FMSW and I made it!
I was successful in getting into the SAMFS starting on the 14th of this month.
Look forward to the journey ahead.
I am very grateful!
Thank you, Brent!
This is all incredibly helpful and I am very grateful that you've sought fit to supply me with this information.
“I wish I had found your book and website earlier”
Hi Brent
Thanks so much for all your continuing positive advice.
It’s so refreshing to have your insight on the process.
I wish I had found your book and website earlier as it has been really helpful, with a smile.
I Passed it!
Bring on the Aptitude Testing!
I've read and enjoyed the books!
I've read and enjoyed the books I bought from you. A lot of the stuff is common sense or things I have done previously as I did ten years’ whole time service in the London fire brigade, UK.
That said I will take on board all of your help and advice, and have since nipped to my local station twice for a chat, and been swatting up on the NSW web site.
The behavioural type questions section was very helpful in thinking of the types of questions likely to be asked.
Thanks again for the books and if I think of any questions I will be in touch.
Lifelong dream!
I’ve finally passed the ACER aptitude test for the ... Fire Service.
This is my fifth attempt and the first time I have passed the aptitude test. This is a lifelong dream which has taken nearly ten years of study to crack the code.
The next stage is the physical abilities test and if I pass that then I’m onto the psych test. I feel confident about the physical abilities test, I feel like this is where I can do my best work.
Also, I want to thank you for the material you sent to me, I think this has been a big help and also your emails are really good at keeping my motivation levels up.
Again, thanks heaps and I hope to hear from you soon!
Been meaning to email and let you know:
After 2 years and 7 rejections and just turning 43 I made the recruit course 2/2015 with Northern Territory Fire and Rescue.
With only 6 weeks to go out of 17 of the recruit course I couldn’t be happier, your program was a huge help with me sticking at it and not giving up so thanks again mate.
“Thanks for a great product”
Hi Brent
Thanks for a great product, and thanks for your interest.
I think you’ve pretty much nailed it with the documentation.
I found the interview process particularly helpful.
Tools to save you wasting your time..

Firefighter Recruitment Bundle
What Every Applicant Needs To Know About Firefighter Recruitment Testing to Stand a Chance!
The bare minimum for anyone that claims to be "serious" about becoming a firefighter.
If you are currently preparing for the next firefighter recruitment intake. These guides give you simple details that help you prepare properly for every test you'll face and — the application process, the Aptitude, Personality, and Physical tests, and the Interview.

Get the Edge
Work With Me & My Team
Personalised coaching sessions based on decades of experience and tailored to your needs.
If you think you need that little bit of extra help to make it through the next recruitment intake or you're sick of missing out and not knowing why, then this may be perfect for you. Together, we'll work out a strategy that:
- Builds on your strengths and fills you with confidence and certainty
- Learn the reasons behind why people fail time and again so you don't
- Improve your weaknesses to eliminate points of failure
- Show you exactly what to expect so you can present the best version of yourself every step of the way.
Wherever you are in the process, and whatever challenges you’re facing right now, Working with us gives you step-by-step guidance, personal support, and resources not available anywhere else to help you get where you want to be in the quickest way possible. You don’t need to struggle on your own anymore!

Learn What the Personality Test is REALLY Getting at ... so You Know How to Answer
It's maddening to take the Fire Service Personality Profiling Test unless you understand what it's trying to learn about you. See how you need to rate on 27 personality metrics.