QFES Recruitment 2021 Update

Hey guys!
Brent here with an update.
So as we have predicted and have mentioned on our page in the last 3 months, QFES is slated to start recruiting again early next year in 2021. So rumor has it that they are looking to fill around 370 posts. The borders will open again soon – good news! So out-of-state applicants can join in the recruitment but out of their own pockets.
There is no update yet whether QFES will allow out-of-state applicants to do their PAT or other stages that require in-person participation in accredited sites or locations nearest to them. This is something that will most likely be announced closer to the actual recruitment date. It might be a good idea still though to plan ahead and work your schedule around the possibility of travel.
Another really important thing to get onto is getting your blue card soon. You can’t apply without it and those out of state may have some issues with this so do that sooner rather than later.
To those who have already applied with QFES before, you know that personality is really an important factor to determine suitability for them. So rumors are they might switch to just one single provider for personality. Regardless of what it is though, we’ll be prepared.
QFES has also made some changes to their recruitment process while it’s not yet updated on their website, they have sent out some emails to those who submitted an expression of interest that the BEEP test will have to be accomplished first before anything else and the benchmark for it has also increased to 9.6. So for those who are already reasonably fit, feel free to browse the physical accelerator course inside of membership in order to see what exercises to be used in the PAT and how to properly execute them.
Anyway guys, that’s just a quick update. I look forward to speaking to you again soon.