Recruitment Update: QFES 2020

qfes recruitment update 2020

Hey Team! Thank you for your patience as we did our research on what’s really up with Queensland Fire Services this year. As you know, many of you received an email from QFES last Thursday evening, inviting you to a special recruitment intake. Take note – MANY but unfortunately, not all.

The letter has been sent out to those who have been recommended at the Interview Stage. These successful candidates can choose to submit an Expression of Interest for either one or all of the locations advertised in the email and they will be re-evaluated and stacked up against other submissions. This EOI invite is not available to anyone who does not have a current application or who has already been deemed as not suitable in the current recruitment campaign.

Locations advertised are priorities at this time. The recruit course will be short and most importantly, it needs to be full. Rumor has it that the chosen ones are only going to undergo the remainder of the recruitment process which are: medical and reference checks.

As for the usual mid-year recruitment for QFES, it remains to be seen if that pushes thru. For sure, the board won’t start planning for the next intake until they see to it that the current one is finished. Technically, this special intake is part of the current one, as last-minute vacancies have arisen that need to be filled.

However, if not all posts are filled in the next couple of weeks, it might be safe to assume we’ll have a campaign kick-off later in the year or early 2021.

While this news might be disheartening for those of you looking forward to having a “sure” go at it mid-year, Fire Recruitment Australia recommends that you continue with your preparations still because nothing is final until they say it is. The fire service industry is continuously evolving as we learn from experience and information gathered, especially during recent bushfires. Now more than ever, we all want Australia to be safe and never face such a crisis again.

As always, Fire Recruitment Australia is happy to provide updates whenever available. Should there be any questions or if you need assistance for any stage in the application with or outside of QFES, feel free to reach out and send an email.

Good luck in your endeavors!


Fire Recruitment Australia Team

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways we can help you Get The Edge over the competition
1. Get Brent’s FREE Training – “How to Become Firefighter without wasting time”
Brent conducts free training where he shows you the proven roadmap on how to become a firefighter without wasting time and money. – Click Here
2. Join our Firefighter Recruitment Training page
It’s our new Facebook community where smart, aspiring firefighters learn how to get the edge and land in the top 5% — Click here
3. Join our Membership Implementation Program
Get access to all courses and software, LIVE Q&A group, access to the industry’s best aptitude and interview coaches. — Get into the Top 5% of Applicants – Click Here
4. Work with Brent and the team, privately
If you’d like to work directly with Brent and the team to give yourself the best chance for your upcoming recruitment campaign, let us know a little about your situation to see if we are a good fit for each other – Click Here

Brent C

After becoming a Firefighter, I developed a massive interest in the Fire Services Recruitment and Selection Processes. I've been in the fire service working since 2007 to learn everything about how Fire Services Recruitment works. I've tested and refined proven methods to help people get the edge over the competition. Today, over 300 of my former students are living their Firefighter dream.

FREE TRAINING: Become a Firefighter Without Wasting Years of Your Life!
