Hudson Psychometric Test – Firefighter Tips

Hudson Psychometric Test: Firefighter Tips
If you’re trying to join the fire service and need help passing the Hudson psychometric test, you’re in the right place. This article will bring you everything you need to know about the test and have you on your way to passing it.
Note: this article focuses specifically on passing the Hudson psychometric test for firefighting candidates.
Firefighting is a demanding job so it’s fitting that only the best candidates make it through the recruitment process. At Fire Recruitment Australia, we’ve got a ton of experience in fire service recruitment and know how difficult these tests can be. Luckily for you, we support students to get through aptitude tests. If you follow the tips in this guide, you’ll have a much better chance of passing the exam.
What is the Hudson Psychometric Test?
Hudson created this test for measuring a candidate’s competencies and suitability for professional roles. This psychometric test is designed to measure a candidate’s ability, knowledge, skills, personality and professional potential. The three main sections of the test are:
- Abstract reasoning
- Numerical reasoning
- Verbal reasoning
Hudson tests candidates on their personality through a business attitudes questionnaire.
Once a candidate completes the test, a report is generated made up of an overall score and three sub-scores. The main score is used to measure the candidate’s overall level, while the subscores detail their strengths and work style. We explain each section of the test and why they’re important for firefighting later in the article.
The test is conducted online, so we recommend that you have a reliable and high-speed internet connection for sitting the exam.
What’s in the Hudson Psychometric Test?
The Hudson psychometric test is made up of a few different sections, let’s take a look at what you can expect from each one.
Hudson Numerical Reasoning Test
The numerical reasoning test will assess the candidate’s ability to process numbers. This section examines numerical processing speed and the degree of accuracy. The questions in this section will explore your knowledge of:
- Interpreting data
- Sequential number patterns
- Ratios and percentages
- Converting currencies
- Finance
Why is the Numerical Reasoning Test Important for Firefighters?
Firefighters will need to work with numbers quickly. They have to make decisions based on their own calculations whilst under pressure. This section of the test will give a good indication of how candidates will react to processing numbers whilst on the job.
The format for the test will be multiple choice with each question consisting of 4 different options. You will have a time limit of 90 seconds for each question, when the time limit is up you will automatically move on to the next question. The time limit means your ability to think clearly and efficiently under pressure will be put to the test.
Numerical Reasoning Practice Question Example
Source: Hudson tests
(firefighter practice test available here):
As you can see above there will be a digital calculator on the screen that you can operate with your mouse and the countdown timer will be visible under the question number.
Hudson Verbal Reasoning Test
The verbal reasoning test measures the candidate’s ability to interpret and comprehend writing. In this section of the test, you will be given passages of text (usually a couple of paragraphs) and will be required to answer in a multiple-choice format to explain your understanding of what you read.
The time limit of 90 seconds still applies and includes the time you have for reading the text. This examines the candidate’s ability to take in information and process it effectively given time constraints.
Why is the Hudson Verbal Reasoning Test Important?
In the fire service, split-second decisions can be the difference between life and death. candidates will need to make informed decisions under stress, often based on limited information. This section of the test measures your ability to do exactly that.
Verbal Reasoning Practice Question Example
Source: Hudson Solutions (firefighting aptitude test practice available here):
As you’ll note in the question above, the verbal reasoning section shares the same layout as the numerical reasoning test, aside from the on-screen calculator.
Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test
The abstract reasoning test is based around measuring candidates’ logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Where the previous sections used numbers and words, this section makes use of patterns and shapes to assess the candidate’s ability to arrive at rational conclusions.
Why is the Hudson Abstract Reasoning Test Important?
Firefighters often have to think laterally and be able to connect the dots on the job. This section of the test taps into the candidate’s ability to subconsciously solve problems and arrive at logical conclusions.
Abstract Reasoning Practice Question Example
Source: Hudson tests
As you can see in the example above, your forward-thinking will be tested and you will be expected to identify logical patterns in shapes and figures.
Hudson Attitudes Questionnaire
This is a personality test that Hudson uses to get an understanding of your personal traits. There are no right or wrong answers and the best advice for this section is to just be yourself and answer truthfully.
It’s still a good idea to familiarise yourself with personality tests before you sit the exam. You can find out about personality tests in the firefighter psych test resource.
Business Attitudes Practice Question Example
Source: Hudson solutions
Why the business attitudes questionnaire is important for firefighters
As well as having the necessary competencies, firefighting candidates will need to have certain personality traits to be successful in the service. This section of the test will allow the assessors to see if you have the desirable personal characteristics needed for a career in the fire service.
Why Do Candidates Fail the Hudson Psychometric Test?
After plenty of time in fire service recruitment, it still doesn’t surprise us to see people failing psychometric assessments like the Hudson test.
It’s frustrating because plenty of candidates that fail have the characteristics to make a great firefighter. If they were just facing personality tests they’d be fine, yet they generally fail psychometric tests for one of the following reasons:
1. Not dedicating time/effort to preparation
Psychometric tests are designed to be tough. If you underestimate the difficulty of this test and don’t put the work in you’ve got a slim chance of passing. This is an area where plenty of passionate firefighting candidates come up short.
Scheduling time to prepare for the test and consistently showing up is how you work towards passing this exam. If you expect to turn up on the day and pass without any preparation, you’ll be in for a shock.
2. Focusing on the wrong areas
You might think you’re doing a good job of preparing, but if you’re focusing on the wrong areas you’ve got no chance. There’s nothing worse than feeling confident about your exam and then getting a shock when you see the questions.
We’ve seen even the best applicants fall into these traps. This is why when a new student comes to us, we make sure they have all the information needed to nail the Hudson psychometric test. This includes:
- What you will be assessed on
- Identifying weak points and helping work past them
- Practice material for the exam
- Information on the format of the exam
It’s often fine margins that lead people to fail. Usually, a point in the right direction and a confidence boost from our coaching is what helps students pass the test.
How to Pass the Hudson Psychometric Test
1. Prepare properly
You need to fully commit to your preparation if you want to pass the test. This means consistently putting time aside to study and practice. If you’re reading this article, the good news is that you’ve already got the right attitude.
Many candidates see the test as some meaningless obstacle and if you have this view, you probably won’t pass.
Remember: the test is assessing the competencies you need to be a good firefighter so it won’t be easy. However, by putting in the work and passing the test, you’re showing the assessors as well as yourself that you would make a great member of the fire service.
2. Practise
The next step involves practising the questions that you’ll be facing in the exam. This means doing regular practice tests online.
These will feel difficult at first so don’t worry if you get the wrong answers to begin with. The more time you spend on them the sooner you’ll get better.
The benefit of practice tests is that they help you get used to working under pressure. They also help you feel familiar with the format so that you know what to expect on the day of the exam.
If you don’t get the correct answer, analyse what you did wrong. Reflecting on previous questions will help you identify which areas you need to strengthen and what to do if the same thing happens in the real test.
3. Assess Your Progress
When you’re preparing for the test, make sure that you take an adaptable approach. This means monitoring what you’re good at and which areas need to be improved.
As the test date gets closer, you might find that you’re not as comfortable with certain areas of that test as you are with others.
Don’t be afraid to put extra focus on an area that needs improving if it’s going to give you a better overall chance of passing the test.
4. Have the Right Equipment
With any online tests, make sure you have the right equipment to successfully take the test.
You will need to make sure that you have a stable internet connection, a device that’s good enough to run through the test and a quiet space where you can sit the test without being interrupted. It also helps to have a pen and paper handy for calculations.
5. Read the Instructions
Read all the information in the test as carefully as possible. It’s easy to feel the pressure of Hudson tests, given their difficulty and time limit. However, if you don’t read each test question carefully you risk missing out on key information. This could be the difference between you passing or failing the test.
Hire a Coach
Not many candidates know that you can get a coach to help with every stage of your firefighting application including the Hudson psychometric test.
Coaches have a wealth of experience and working with one is an easy way to get ahead, improving your chances of passing the exam.
One thing we often find in firefighter recruitment is the sample tests you get from the companies are not at all like what you get on the day. This is a big deal if you need to pass the test and you are working on the wrong stuff.
A coach takes away a lot of the guesswork, they can give you specific learning material, show you what you should be focusing on, and which areas to improve and a system for doing so.
If you struggle with self-belief, a coach can act as someone to hold you accountable and give you a much-needed confidence boost.
If you think you might want help to be competitive with your application, a call to see if we can help you get a job sooner.