What You Need to Know Before Applying for Firefighter Jobs

Firefighter jobs provide a sure and stable source of income for people who are eager to devote their time to helping others. These positions also foster a lot of camaraderie among fellow employees as workers are constantly relying on one another for group safety. Best of all, people can anticipate receiving quality benefits packages that include medical, dental, life and many other perks.

Finding the best opportunities is something that people are often able to do by searching online. The web makes it easy for interested applicants to find out about application deadlines, exam dates and many other pertinent facts that will help them to get hired. Their are various aspects of the typical application process and people must be familiar with each one of them.

Given the fact that these are public service positions, they will normally entail extensive background screening. Those who wish to apply for these positions must be able to complete drug and alcohol screening. They should also be relatively young when applying and able to pass a comprehensive physical health screening. These professionals must be able to run long distances without becoming winded, lift and carry or lift and swing heavy objects and navigate vertical and horizontal ladders with ease.

There is also a rudimentary exam that people must take in order to proceed to the next level of the hiring process. This is a test that is held periodically throughout the year in different cities that are looking to increase their firefighter teams. The questions that are present on these examinations will pertain to various subjects that people cover in high school and in the general education requirements for their AA degrees. In some cities, it may even be necessary for applicants to be in possession of an AA at a minimum.

Usually, these positions are in such high demand that applicants are placed on waiting lists. After all others who have expressed an interest before them have been screened, they will get the opportunity to take their tests. These jobs do not discriminate against people based upon gender, religion or sexual preferences. In fact, they do not even discriminate based upon age, however, an individual must be physically capable of enduring the stress that this position entails.

In addition to completing a drug screen there will also be a detailed criminal background check performed. If an individual has criminal charges in his or her past, this will affect the ability to be brought onto a team. Thus, it is always beneficial to have a clean record when looking to hold a public service position. Even extensive credit issues can have a negative impact on a hiring decision.

Sometimes there are also psychological evaluations that must be taken and passed. These are not exams that people can study for. They are simply asked a series of questions, many of which might seem redundant, that they are expected to answer truthfully.

These are all things that you should know when searching for fire fighter jobs online. It helps to be in top shape and capable of performing all of the necessary tasks that this job requires. It is also a good idea to be prepared for all of the other related examinations and screening processes, however, so that there are no unfortunate surprises.

Brent C

After becoming a Firefighter, I developed a massive interest in the Fire Services Recruitment and Selection Processes. I've been in the fire service working since 2007 to learn everything about how Fire Services Recruitment works. I've tested and refined proven methods to help people get the edge over the competition. Today, over 300 of my former students are living their Firefighter dream.

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