Becoming a CFA career firefighter – Country Fire Authority Victoria

Becoming a CFA career firefighter for the Country Fire Authority Victoria   ( written 06/June/2014 )

The country fire authority of Victoria is a volunteer based fire service that is supported by Career Firefighters.

The country fire authority seems to be targetting females in there latest campaign of recruitment which is good news for a number of reasons.

1. If you are a female that is aiming at becoming a cfa career firefighter you are in luck

2. It means that they are on the verge of recruiting and running more courses meaning more opportunities for everyone

3. Victorias country fire authority will be getting a new bunch of highly skilled professional firefighters

If you have ever considered becoming a CFA career firefighter I would strongly encourage you to keep an eye on the recruitment and apply as it seems it is a great time for females and males to have a shot at demonstrating their skills and abilities and ultimately becoming a professional firefighter with the Country Fire Authority Victoria.

Just because it seems they are targeting females at the moment don’t be put off if your a male looking to obtain a position as there should be plenty to go around for the right candidates.

The CFA has a stringent recruitment process along with all the other fire services across Australia so If you do plan on applying make sure you have all the correct information and give it your all.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and it has helped you.

Pleas feel free to share with friends you think may be interested or anyone it may help, you can use the social buttons at the bottom to share easily

Brent C

After becoming a Firefighter, I developed a massive interest in the Fire Services Recruitment and Selection Processes. I've been in the fire service working since 2007 to learn everything about how Fire Services Recruitment works. I've tested and refined proven methods to help people get the edge over the competition. Today, over 300 of my former students are living their Firefighter dream.

FREE TRAINING: Become a Firefighter Without Wasting Years of Your Life!
