WA Firefighter Recruitment PATS Test

WA Firefighter PATS Test and PWCA

( Physical Work Capacity Assessment )

I have had a large number of requests come in lately in regards to the DFES Firefighter Recruitment process and in particular the Physical Aptitude Test or the Physical Work Capacity Assessment.

I have listed a brief list of what you need to consider including a few tips so if you are looking at a firefighter job with WA Fire Service this is a must read for you.

This is not an exhaustive list including everything in exact order etc it is more of a guide including the main differences you may encounter as opposed to other fire services around Australia.

  1. Under-run ladder multiple times
  2. Ladder from pumper to ground and multiple 5times
  3. Don BA Set multiple times
  4. Stair / Tower Climb + Container Haul Approximately 20kg
  5. Get in and out of the pumper multiple times
  6. Ship water hydrant & show water multiple times
  7. 70kg Dummy Drag
  8. Hold rescue cutters at three different levels – simulate a cut on a vehicle
  9. Coupling dexterity and matching
  10. Tunnel Crawl / anxiety test – you will be given a code to remember and put through a tunnel system with some tight areas as well as having a BA mask on your face with the regulator removed
  11. Tool carry exercise
  12. Driving test – refer to my article on DFES driving test – may be useful to brush up on basic road rules etc.

Make sure you listen to and follow instructions given carefully

For the tunnel crawl stay calm, listen to instructions and ensure you remember the code you get given

I hope this helps you on your way through the firefighter recruitment process with DFES.

Be sure to ask me any questions, leave a comment or share via social media.



P.P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you Get The Edge over the competition
1. Get my FREE Training – “How to Become Firefighter without wasting time”, I conduct a free training where I show you the proven roadmap on how to become a firefighter without wasting time and money. – Click Here
2. Join our Firefighter Recruitment Training page, It’s our new Facebook community where smart, aspiring firefighters learn how to get the edge and land in the top 5% – Click here
3. Join our Membership Implementation Program, Get access to all courses and software, LIVE Q&A group, access to the industry’s best aptitude and interview coaches. – Get into the Top 5% of Applicants – Click Here
4. Work with me and the team, privately, If you’d like to work directly with me and the team to give yourself the best chance for your upcoming recruitment campaign, let us know a little about your situation to see if we are a good fit for each other – Click Here

Brent C

After becoming a Firefighter, I developed a massive interest in the Fire Services Recruitment and Selection Processes. I've been in the fire service working since 2007 to learn everything about how Fire Services Recruitment works. I've tested and refined proven methods to help people get the edge over the competition. Today, over 300 of my former students are living their Firefighter dream.

FREE TRAINING: Become a Firefighter Without Wasting Years of Your Life!
