Pearson Talentlens Sample Exams Now Available For ACTFR

Are you interested in becoming a firefighter with ACT Fire and Rescue? If so, you want to be well prepared before you put in your application. As well as the Physical Aptitude Test (PAT) you will also need to do a written test which could take around 3-4 hours.
This written test will cover a lot of cognitive questions to measure your general knowledge and intelligence. It’s based on language and mathematics.
Pearson Talentlens is the ACTFR exam provider for 2020. Their tests are professionally created and suited for firefighter recruits.
The good news is that here at Fire Recruitment Australia, we have Pearson Talentlens sample exams that you can practice with.
Who Is Pearson Talentlens?
Pearson Talentlens was established in 1921 but their history goes way back to 1844 when Samuel Pearson set up a small building company, S. Pearson and Son. This was in Yorkshire, England.
Since then, the company has continued to improve its assessment procedures to keep up to date with what current employers need from the recruits they want to hire.
At Pearson, they understand that people are the most important resource for any organisation and this includes the fire and rescue services. They are staffed by psychologists who understand what each organisation needs from its employees.
It’s important to understand each employee’s strengths and weaknesses to better help that employee become a valuable part of the organisation. Plus, this ensures that each employee is valued and has the ability to enjoy and grow in their work environment.
What Can You Expect In A Written Pearson Talentlens Test?
Most written cognitive tests cover three main areas. Namely, verbal reasoning, numerical ability and abstract reasoning.
Here’s one example of an abstract reasoning question
Here’s an example of a verbal reasoning question
Here’s an example of a mechanical reasoning question
Here’s an example of a space relations question
Another part of the exam will also test your English language skills. This means you should be able to construct sentences correctly and distinguish the differences between well constructed and incorrectly constructed sentences.
Here’s an example of a language question
Pearson Talentlens Tutorial
This tutorial was made based on the ACT Fire and Rescue Aptitude test
Why It’s Important To Study For This Exam?
As you can see from the sample questions above, it’s important that you study before the exam so that you know what to expect. In fact, going into an exam unprepared is setting yourself up for failure.
Although these questions are not difficult, they can seem overwhelming under strict examination conditions. Especially, if you go into the exam without any knowledge of what to expect.
Whether you’ve been to university or not, the hardest part of any exam is the stress you’re going to feel before you go in. You can eliminate some of this stress by being well prepared beforehand.
Of course, no one knows what the exact questions are going to be. However, if you understand the type of questions that you’re going to be asked and how to answer them, you’ll be able to go into the exam with a clear head and much less stress.
Remember, these exam questions aren’t designed to catch you out. They’re merely meant to ensure that you’re going to be right for the job and that a career in firefighting is suitable for you.
How To Prepare For The Pearson Talentlens Test
The best way you can prepare for this examination is to do as many practice exams as you can. The more practice questions you answer, the more familiar you’re going to become with the style of question that you’re going to be asked.
This will, in turn, give you much more confidence in being able to pass the test when you finally take it. And, the more confidence you have in your ability, the better you’ll be able to handle the strict exam environment.
As stated previously, we have a collection of Talentlens Pearson practice test questions on our website. By practising these questions until you’re confident you can answer them correctly, you are almost guaranteed to pass the cognitive exam.
Remember, you must pass this assessment in order to become a recruit for ACT Fire and Rescue. If you don’t pass the first time, you may be able to re-take the test. However, this may mean that it will take you longer to actually become a firefighter.
Important Points To Remember When Taking The Test
Apart from getting as much practice as possible before you enter the exam environment, there are some important things to remember when you take the test.
Make sure you’re well-rested and you have a clear head.
Try to relax as much as you can.
Read all the questions through first before you start answering them.
Make sure that you answer ALL the questions. If you don’t know the exact answer, just do the best you can, but you must ensure you have an answer for each question.
Keep an eye on the time to ensure that you have enough to answer every question.
When you’ve finished all the questions, take a quick review to make sure your answers are correct to the best of your knowledge.
Most importantly, try to relax as much as you can beforehand. As long as you’ve practised the questions, you should be able to answer them successfully.
Please feel free to reach out to us if you want access to the sample questions that we have. At Fire Recruitment Australia, we want to help you to succeed in your application to become a firefighter with ACT Fire and Rescue.
Sources: Pearson Talentlens Test website