Firefighter Personality Tests How To Get The Edge – PODCAST

Fire Recruitment Australia Podcast
Firefighter Personality: How to get the edge
This episode, we talk about personality tests that you will face on your way through the recruitment process. I’m joined by Lakin Smith who is an organisational Psychologist. She has been working in the exact same field that looks at these tests and the best ways to do it for the companies and the services that you are applying to. We have been working with her closely over the years to build the resources we have for our members.
1:26 Common Pitfalls of Those Who Take Personality/Psychometric Tests
These common pitfalls for those who take personality/psychometric tests can be placed into three categories:
Awareness around what Psychometric Tests are out there
The approach to these tests is usually one from an unprepared angle. People who take these tests generally have no prior preparation. What they actually don’t know is that you can prepare for these tests which will help put you a step ahead of others who are applying for the same position as you.
What they are really being assessed on
Potential employer should send out what kind of tests you will be taking and often if you Google these particular tests and see who the Test publisher is, they will have example questions which can be used for practice and preparation. With the Fire Service and a lot of recruiters, they are very unlikely to disclose this particular information and in some cases, explicitly tell you that you cannot prepare for this test – which is why Fire Recruitment Australia have certain resources available.
Test Anxiety
Aptitude assessments can be prepared for as discussed on the previous podcast episode. The way you can prepare for Personality Tests is to prepare so you can manage your test anxiety. You just need to become familiar with the format of testing. Lakin has had some experience with candidates who are frightened because they don’t know what to expect. Example questions and some insight into what test you are taking; it will help alleviate the anxiety. Additionally, those who are taking the test place a lot of pressure on themselves because this position is what they truly want and become extra nervous as a result. This can tend to increase anxiety.
5:47 Other Things To Be Aware Of
- Choose The Best Time For You
Often people who take these tests opt to take them at a time that they’re not really alert. This can be after they finish their day job or when they’re really tired. It’s quite difficult to operate under pressure in a test situation when you are not rested. Get plenty of rest before you take the test. Sometimes questions can be misinterpreted as well when you’re not well-rested and your mind isn’t the sharpest.
- Ensure you’re in a Distraction Free Environment
Some tests have the luxury of allowing you to take the test at home, so if this be the case, ensure you are free of distractions such as phones or devices that are likely to interrupt you and break your concentration.
- Allow Yourself Enough Time
Generally, personality tests indicate roughly how long this test should take you. This is a guide as to how long you can take to complete the test however, in the marking process, it is noted just how long you took this so try and stick to the time guide as much as possible.
7:39 How You Should Approach The Test
- Understand What Test You Are Taking
Go online and research what test you will be taking and who the publishers are. This also allows you to understand what you’re being tested on. If you don’t have this luxury of being told who the test publishers are and what kind of test you’ll be taking, have a look at the resources on the Fire Recruitment Australia website. This helps with preparation. You’ll feel more confident when you’re taking the test.
- Get Enough Rest
A pretty straightforward step.
- On The Day – Ensure You Are Prepared
Have a spare piece of paper lying around for you to utilise during the test. This can come in handy to write thoughts down.
- Be Honest, Logical and Rational
There are a lot of questions that are worded very similarly in a way that’s design to trick you. Ensure you read the question comprehensively. Base your timing on what the test prescribes so then you know you’re on the right track to complete it thoroughly and accurately.
10:46 How Personality Test Data is used in the Recruitment Process
The results of the personality test are matched to the information that is gathered throughout the recruitment process, so it’s all got to be consistent on the way. A recruiter will have access to your criminal records, so if you answer dishonestly, it will be obvious you are not telling the truth. It sounds menial, but if you have information on you that contradicts that, that raises a flag.
12:29 Other Tips from a Psychology Point Of View
Be honest, but logical. Read the job profile and understand the competencies that company is looking for. Sometimes companies look for slightly different profiles so if you are dishonest in the application process, it will come up in the personality test. It’s important to understand the job, it makes it much more easier to see how the questions relate to the position. It’s then probably that you will get a higher score in that area.
Take Aways & Action Points:
- Find out what test you will be taking
- Research Those Test Publishers
- Go Through Resources on
- Look At Practice Questions
- Prepare As Much As You Can
- If you’re able to, ask the recruiter for feedback if you don’t get the position
Special Offer:
Free Fire Fighter Personality Profile
Our Organisational Psychologist Coach
Cosmin | Organisational Psychologist & Coach
Cosmin works with organisations that develop and design the exact tests that you will face on your way through the recruitment process. The best part about having Cosmin on your team is knowing that you can build your understanding of the tests you will face and make sure you give it your best shot. Unlike reading a book you get the opportunity to ask Cosmin questions live and have a real discussion so you cement your knowledge around these sometimes tricky tests.
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